CaptureTeFlag permissions are a set of commands for managing a CaptureTheFlag game on a Minecraft server. The commands can be used by players with the appropriate permissions to create, delete, list, join, leave, and get help with CaptureTheFlag.
/ctf create - capturetheflag.create
This command is used to create a new CaptureTheFlag game with the specified parameters. The player executing this command must have the capturetheflag.create permission to use it.
/ctf delete <args> - capturetheflag.delete
This command is used to delete an existing CaptureTheFlag game with the specified parameters. The player executing this command must have the tnttag.delete permission to use it.
/ctf list - capturetheflag.list
This command is used to display a list of all existing CaptureTheFlag games. The player executing this command must have the tnttag.list permission to use it.
/ctf join <args> - capturetheflag.join
This command is used to add a player to an existing CaptureTheFlag game. The player executing this command must have the tnttag.join permission to use it. /ctf joingui - capturetheflag.join This command allows a player to open a join GUI that lists the available CaptureTheFlag arena's. The player executing this command must have the tnttag.gui.join permission to use it.
/ctf leave - capturetheflag.leave
This command is used to remove a player from a CaptureTheFlag game. The player executing this command must have the tnttag.leave permission to use it.
/ctf help -
This command is used to display help and information about the CaptureTheFlag commands. The player executing this command must have the permission to use it.
/ctf stats <args> - capturetheflag.stats
This command is used to display a player's stats for a specific CaptureTheFlag game. The player executing this command must have the tnttag.stats permission to use it.
/ctf top <args> -
This command is used to display the top players for a specific CaptureTheFlag game. The player executing this command must have the permission to use it. /ctf start <arena> - capturetheflag.start This command force-starts the specified arena. This can be used for testing purposes. /ctf info <arena> This command shows you some info about a arena such as the countdown and the minimum/maximum players. This is only for debugging purposes. Other permissions:
capturetheflag.update - Allows you to see update notifications.
Last updated