Here you can see all the available commands for CaptureTheFlag!
/ctf create
This command is used to start the arena creation process of CaptureTheFlag. The player running the command must specify the name of the arena, as well as its size and locations in the setup. Don't forget to add teams using `/ctf addteam`!
/ctf addteam <arena>
This command is used to setup a team and add it to an existing arena. Make sure to set the locations properly, otherwise the game will not work. Stand in the flag while setting the flag location. Stand on top of the block that should be clicked to deliver the enemy flag to set it up. So for example, if you use a block beneath the team's own flag(which I did in my test arena's), stand in the flag(banner). The plugin will subtract 1 from the Y level of the enemy placement location. Keep that in mind! Stand on top of the enemy flag placement location block.
/ctf delete <arena>
This command is used to delete an existing CaptureTheFlag arena. The player must specify the name of the arena they wish to delete.
/ctf list
This command shows a list of all available CaptureTheFlag arenas on the server. Players can use this command to see which arenas are currently being played, and which ones are available to join.
/ctf join <arena>
This command allows a player to join an available CaptureTheFlag arena. The player will be teleported to the arena and given the necessary equipment to play the game. /ctf joingui This command allows a player to open a join GUI that lists the available CaptureTheFlag arena's. The player will be teleported to the arena and given the necessary equipment to play the game.
/ctf leave
This command allows a player to leave the CaptureTheFlag arena they are currently in. The player will be teleported out of the arena and their equipment will be returned to them.
/ctf help
This command displays a list of all available CaptureTheFlag commands and provides brief descriptions of each one.
/ctf reload
This command reloads the customization file and arena's from CaptureTheFlag. This can be useful if the server administrator has made changes to the customization options and wants to apply them without restarting the server.
/ctf stats
This command displays the stats of the player who runs it. Stats may include things like the number of games played, the number of kills, and the player's win/loss ratio.
/ctf top
This command displays the top three players in each stat category for CaptureTheFlag. This can be used to see which players are the best at the game, and to compare one's own stats to those of others. /ctf start (arena) [forced] This command force-starts the specified arena. This can be used for testing purposes. /ctf info (arena) This command shows you some info about a arena such as the countdown and the minimum/maximum players. This is only for debugging purposes. /ctf editor (arena) This command allows you to edit almost everything from your arena's! It's simple to use and eliminates the need to recreate your arena for every change. /ctf autojoin/randomjoin This command allows you to join a random available arena at any time! This can be useful for GUI's, portals, etc. Note: /capturetheflag is the main command, /ctf is a commonly used alias.
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